It is my goal to help people live more inspired lives through movement, mindfulness, and craft! I teach knitting and other fiber arts as well as the ancient wellness practice of Qigong.

For the inquisitive, Qigong is a form of moving meditation that resembles Tai Chi but instead of moving through a routine, the exercises are repeated and typically more stationary. I find many of the exercises are helpful for handcrafters as we can get stiff and sometimes we over use various body parts. Qigong keeps the energy moving and helps loosen stiff joints.

I teach to the individual and have learned not to try to fit the individual into a technique that doesn’t work for them. Each student is wonderfully unique and I aim to teach to the individuals strengths and work around any limitations.

Below is the most current calendar for my scheduled classes and a link to download a full sized pdf. If you would like to schedule a class that is not currently offered or is not offered at a time that is convenient for you, please let me know through my contact page.

Download a pdf of all of Yarn Refuge’s classes here. You can signup and pay for their classes right on their website. Yarn Refuge Classes. I suggest using the view as month feature to find the classes you like.

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  1. Hi Terry,
    I’d like to continue the stocking class but can I make mine bigger? I also need help finishing the emergency hat. Can I drop in Yarn Refuge?


  2. Do you have a schedule for upcoming classes in October and November? I’d like to buy my sister a gift for her birthday.


    1. Hi Terese,

      I have been away and just now getting back on track for classes. I will have October’s schedule done by the weekend and Novembers done shortly there after. Anything in particular your sister likes to make?



  3. Hello, a friend and I are interested in taking a crochet class. Is this something that you do? I received your information from Jimmy Beans Wool.
